Girder 3.1 Copyright 2000,2001,2002 (c) Ron Bessems Disclaimer This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. License and costs Girder is a free program for personal use, as defined in the file copying.txt. If you want to include Girder on any distribution media, any internet site I would like to know. Commercial usage requires a license. Installing Girder is very easy to install, either use the zipped version and install Girder into some subdirectory, or use the install version available on my homepage. Run Girder and set your hardware type in the settings dialog. And you're off. For more information look at the help file. Localisation Girder is fully internationalizable this has been done for serveral languages by various people over the globe. If your language isn't included, you could translate Girder yourself. I've written a tool to assist in the translation, it's available on my homepage. Of course once you translated Girder you could send me the translation, so I can include it in the distribution. It's also possible to translate the helpfile of Girder. Uwe Heidrich was the first to offer his assistance, and he translated the helpfile to German! Any of these translation will give you eternal fame and glory in the thanks section and the gratitude of thousands of people in your country. Updates Girder is continuously being developed by me, updates and new plugins will be made available via my homepage. Novel Ideas and applications If you've got a great way to use Girder I would like to know so I can tell other people the superb way in which Girder can be applied. Creating Plugins The plugins for Girder can be written in any language that supports C/C++ style STDCALLs and DLLs like Borland Delphi, MS Visual C++ etc. If you've written good plugins that are of use to mandkind don't hesitate to send them to me. Either in source or binary form. Be sure to download the developers package from my homepage for examples how to make the plugins Contact and Homepage My homepage is My email address is I hope you enjoy Girder, if so I would like to know. Any suggestions, comments or bugreports are welcome. Best Wishes, Ron All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors.